Will AI put authors and writers out of a job?


There’s nothing anyone can do to stop progress in the modern world. In recent decades, great strides have been made to boost advanced technology in ways that our forefathers could never have imagined. A top-trending issue right now is AI, which stands for “artificial intelligence.” AI is basically computer-generated or computer-controlled robotics that enable machines … Read more

Will your book make the library criteria cut?


Modern-day readers have many options to purchase or acquire books. From brick-and-mortar bookstores to online shopping, yard sales and more, there is no shortage of ways to get books. Another popular means of acquiring books to read is to go to a public library. If you’re an author, your initial thought might be, “Why should … Read more

Readers do judge a book by its cover

book cover

A recent survey revealed that more than half of the people who read hard-copy books make their purchase choices based on jacket design. Remember when you were growing up and adults would instruct you to “never judge a book by its cover”? Well, they were definitely speaking figuratively, because in the literal sense, it appears that that’s … Read more