4 ways to inspire a love of reading in your kids

love of reading

Current literacy data for children in the United States of America is startling. Approximately 40% of students throughout the country are unable to read at basic levels for their age groups. For some demographics — like low-income fourth graders, the percentage is at least 30% higher. It is imperative that parents, grandparents and guardians put … Read more

Add a shocking turn of events to keep readers interested


Sometimes, it’s nice to read a plain and simple story. Predictability and consistency are not necessarily bad things for a novel. In a busy, often hectic world, readers enjoy being able to occasionally kick back and relax with an easy-on-the-heart-and-mind type of book. However, writers can also keep readers interested in a novel by adding … Read more

The top 7 reasons authors procrastinate


If you’re a writer, it has probably happened to you. You’re headed to your desk or favorite writing spot to tackle a project. Suddenly, you veer off toward the kitchen and make yourself a cup of tea, instead. Or you start scrolling on social media or performing mundane tasks, like cleaning out your junk drawer. … Read more