Lessons to be learned from these famous quotes


There’s likely not a writer alive who has not, at some point, experienced frustration in the task. People attend workshops and tap into myriad resources to help them overcome “writer’s block” or to improve their skills in various ways. If there’s one quality that’s essential to being a writer, it’s “perseverance.” Some people like to … Read more

Start building your online presence before you’re published

online presence

Imagine your dream of becoming a best-selling author coming true. A publisher accepts your manuscript. Your story becomes available for purchase, and boom! It goes viral! Everybody wants to read it, and anyone who’s anyone in the writing and publishing industry wants to talk to you! Podcasters want to invite you on their programs. The … Read more

What happens in the copy-editing process?


Before we address the topic of this blog, there’s something you should know: It is always—as in, always-100%-of-the-time, a bad idea to submit a manuscript for publishing consideration without first sending it through a thorough (and preferably professional) copy-editing process. Sadly, many writers do just that, only to receive polite rejection letters and be left … Read more

These 4 things will help you improve your writing skills

writing skills

Whether you always struggled with writing assignments in school or have enjoyed writing for most of your life, it’s always a good idea to practice helpful tips to improve your skills. Every writer has room for improvement, no matter how experienced he or she happens to be.  Some types of writing may come more easily … Read more