Inspiration for stories—where can you find it?


Some writers are gifted with imaginations that are almost always in overdrive. There is never a shortage of ideas for new characters and plots in their minds. Most writers, however, need some inspiration for stories, once in a while. They need something to ignite the initial spark, which starts that gentle glimmer, like a warm … Read more

What are people buying and reading these days?


If your goal is to eke out a living as a writer, one of the decisions you must make is whether a particular genre will be the central focus of your work. Advanced technology enables a consumer to purchase a book at a click without ever having to leave home. Some folks still enjoy browsing … Read more

What do publishers look for in a fiction story?


Every budding author hopes to have written a manuscript that is worthy of publication. The latter phrase is both ambiguous and subjective. What constitutes ”worth” when publishers are considering a fiction story for the book market. It’s quite possible that one publishing company might reject one of your manuscripts while another one accepts it. However, … Read more