As a general topic of discussion, Christianity is highly complex. The possibilities are seemingly endless insofar as topics that can stir conversation or debate. If you’re hoping to become an author in the Christian fiction space, you must incorporate spiritual issues into your stories. At some point, one or more of your characters will no doubt face a situation or events that cause a personal struggle in matters of faith.
Okay, so, perhaps, not always. You might decide to write a feel-good Christian fiction novel where all the characters live virtuous lives, and everything works out well for those who love the Lord. It would, however, be purely fiction and not applicable to real life at all. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find a Christian anywhere in the world who has not encountered a spiritual struggle at some point in life. Although the stories you write are fictional, it’s always best to create relatable characters for your readers.
Issues that lay a good foundation for Christian fiction authors
Before writing a Christian fiction story, take time to consider options for a spiritual theme. The following list provides four ideas that authors can weave throughout a novel:
- Dealing with so-called “unanswered” prayers/effectiveness of prayer
- Being courageous when persecuted for faith
- Trusting in God in the face of great loss or suffering
- Dying without fear/God’s grace in the grieving process
These themes provide enough groundwork to build upon for quality Christian fiction stories. An experienced author would be able to write numerous, unique stories using the same theme in each one. You might also want to use more than one theme in a single novel.
Samples of story ideas using these spiritual themes
Here are some ideas of stories Christian fiction authors might write using these themes:
- Character prays for a loved one to get well, but the loved one dies
- A futuristic story where Christians are being hunted and killed
- Character trusts God after job loss, financial ruin, marital problems, etc.
- A story chronicling the journey of a terminally ill character
It takes practice to impart a Christian-based message without coming across as “preachy.” Authors will also want to make sure that they create believable characters and worlds. Most of all, the overall gist of a Christian fiction story should always come full circle in praise of God, including honoring His name and sharing messages of encouragement and hope.
Does every Christian story have to have a happy ending?
No. If you choose to not have a happy ending in a Christian novel, that’s okay. Keep in mind, however, that authors bear some responsibility to send their readers away satisfied. Your overall goal should always be to encourage, not disappoint, or, worse, lead astray.