Post: Here’s your Vertu Publishing submission checklist


If you’re hoping to become an author in the Christian fiction genre, you might be exploring options for a publisher. Most best-selling authors encourage new writers to forge ahead and stick to their goals when the rejection slips start arriving. To improve your chances, remember that each company has its own requirements. For example, if you’re considering sending a manuscript to Vertu Publishing, this post provides a checklist for you to follow. 

Some authors mistakenly believe that making their manuscript look different from others will help them stand out to a publisher. However, if a publisher lists a 12 pt font as a requirement, and you go with 16 pt, thinking it gives your manuscript a unique look, you’ll likely be disappointed when your work gets rejected. Adhering to submission requirements gets your foot in the door. 

An overview of Vertu Publishing submission guidelines

Before submitting a manuscript to Vertu Publishing, use this checklist to make sure you have followed the guidelines: 

  • Make sure that your manuscript fits the Christian fiction space.
  • Use only Times New Roman, black 12 pt font.
  • Choose left alignment for the document.
  • Avoid headers, footers and text boxes—insert page numbers only.
  • You may center align chapter titles and embolden their text.
  • Press TAB key once to indent each paragraph.
  • Submit your manuscript as a Microsoft Word document.

As mentioned earlier, each publishing company has its own submission guidelines. If you plan to send a manuscript to multiple publishers, be sure to review their websites first and adapt your submissions accordingly. 

Include a synopsis and cover letter

When submitting a manuscript to Vertu Publishing, it’s best to include a synopsis (also called a “query”) and a cover letter. The following list shows what type of information to provide in a cover letter: 

  • Your full name (and pseudonym if applicable)
  • Your address, telephone number, and email address
  • Any details of past writing experience
  • Links to any previously published works
  • Links to your social media platforms
  • Your website address
  • An estimated word count for your complete manuscript

In addition to your cover letter, include a synopsis, which should be 500 words or less, to provide an overview of your story, as well as an explanation (or reason) why you think Vertu should publish your novel. 

You can upload each of these documents (i.e., Manuscript, cover letter, synopsis) by using the forms located on our blog for your convenience. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.