Post: Does time of day matter for writers regarding productivity?


If you’re determined to make a go of becoming an author, the actual task of writing is going to (or, at least, should) become part of your daily life. Every author has unique habits and routines. Some writers create and adhere to stringent schedules, while others are more unstructured. Unstructured people like to always keep writing materials and devices with them so that they can jot ideas down when they feel compelled. 

Writers who like to stick to a schedule typically block out time slots set aside for undisturbed writing sessions. Many authors fall somewhere in between the two extremes. Various aspects of life may affect your ability to be productive as a writer. If your goal is having multiple titles available for readers, you’ll undoubtedly spend a lot of time writing. (If you don’t write books, there are no books to sell.) Several issues come into play if you’re trying to build a career as a fiction or non-fiction writer, such as having a space set aside to write, as well as choosing a time of day—does it matter whether you write in the morning or late at night?

Determining which time of day is best for writers

Writers may have some things in common; however, each author is a separate individual, whose personality, health, lifestyle and other issues have an impact on productivity. Because of this, there’s no specific answer as to whether morning or night is best for writers. One time of day might be better for you than another. Another author’s productivity might pique at a time that’s different from yours. Specific time of day doesn’t matter as much as determining whether you are more productive at a certain time of day over another. 

Consider these issues when choosing a time of day for writing

As you begin to develop your own routines as a writer, the following list may come in handy to help you choose a time of day when you’re most productive: 

  • Are there less interruptions in the early morning hours or at night?
  • Would you rather fulfill other tasks and obligations first to open up time for writing or complete your writing tasks before anything else?
  • Do you feel more creative early in the day or later?
  • When is your energy level and focus best?
  • Are you an early riser?

These things can change as life changes, as well. For example, if you become an author when you’re single, you might have more leeway in choosing uninterrupted time for writing. However, if you’re married and have children, you might encounter challenges when trying to create a set schedule. Answering the questions on this list can help determine whether morning or night is best (at this time in your life) to be productive as a writer. 

Experiment and review, periodically

Most writers set goals or have deadlines to meet while working with a publishing company. This is why it’s a good idea to experiment with different times of day to figure out if you’re more productive during certain hours more than others. It’s also wise to periodically review your productivity. If you start falling behind or are not meeting your goals, consider changing the time of day when writing is taking place. Changing times might help boost productivity.