Post: Conquer writer’s block with these 5 tips

writer's block

It happens to all authors at some point, even the most prolific. One day, you sit down to write and wind up staring at a blank page. Instead of ideas flowing easily from your mind to the computer screen or notepad, you’re at a loss for words. It feels like someone has “plugged” the portal. It’s not that you’re struggling for the right way to word a specific phrase. There is no phrase because there are no ideas. You’re empty. You fear the worst—that you’ve been stricken with writer’s block.

The first thing to do is accept the reality. It’s okay; it happens to everyone. While it can be a bit unsettling, especially if you earn a living as a writer or are facing a deadline, it’s not the end of the world. It’s likely not the end of your writing career either. The good news is that writer’s block is usually temporary, and there are practical steps you can take to conquer it—to get the creative juices flowing again. 

Overcome writer’s block by trying one or more of these ideas

Some analysts believe that there is often an underlying cause of writer’s block. Therefore, it’s wise to discern whether such is true in your case. Might you be suffering from depression or a physical health issue? If not, then trying some of the ideas included in the following list might be all it takes to get things back on track: 

  • Spend a lot of time outdoors.
  • Visit new places and meet new people.
  • Ask a friend or family member to provide writing prompts for fun.
  • Take a break from writing and focus on reading, instead.
  • Create new endings to old stories. 

Implementing these five tips has been known to help overcome even the most stubborn cases of writer’s block. It’s also a good idea to talk to other writers. Chances are, most of them have experienced similar issues and may have some additional advice. 

Let’s look at each tip, one at a time

Each of the writer’s block tips listed in the previous section serves a unique purpose in helping to clear the mind and boost creativity. Here’s how: 

  • Outdoor activity provides fresh air and sunshine, which adds fresh perspective and energy to the average day, which is quite different from being cooped up indoors at a desk. Take your shoes off to experience “earthing,” which may also be beneficial because it is thought to boost the immune system and energize the mind. 
  • Especially if you’re trying to set the scene for a new novel or develop a particular character, visiting new places and meeting new people can spark new ideas. 
  • When another person provides an opening sentence or topic idea, your creative wheels must start turning to expand the thought. Playing with writing prompts is a great way to break through writer’s block.
  • The most prolific authors are typically also avid readers. When you’re stuck in a rut, take a break from writing and read a vast array of genres to soak in other authors’ writing styles. 
  • Adding your own spin to a popular novel is a fun activity that boosts creativity, especially when you’re struggling to come up with new ideas. The main body of work is already done. All you need to do is come up with a new ending. 

Remember, most cases of writer’s block are temporary. Try not to worry. Instead, put some of these ideas to good use, and let us know which ones work best for you!